10 More Terrible Movies That Killed Awesome Franchises

8. Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles 3

TMNT 3 Mercifully the Turtles will be getting a reboot soon and despite fans concerns about what exactly Michael Bay plans to do to their back story etc at least it's guaranteed to be better than this pile of mutated horse plop. Following on from two mega cool, semi-gritty action movies the third instalment in the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles franchise was just horrible. Ignoring everything that came before it and totally neglecting the series two main bad guys this is just a silly, childish gimmick movie that is aimed completely at the young children who likely weren't old enough to have seen the earlier movies let alone the animated series. Ditching the gritty realism of New York City for Feudal Japan the film looks like an extended pilot for the horrendous Next Mutation TV series that followed a number of years later. Even the Splinter puppet looks worn out by this stage and don't get us started on the Turtles ... whose idea was it to give them acne? This was the beginning of the end for the heroes in half-shells and only now 20 years later are they starting to reclaim an element of what made them cool.

Master of Quack-Fu. Fishfinger Sandwich aficionado. Troll Hunter.