10 More Terrible Movies That Killed Awesome Franchises

7. A Good Day To Die Hard

DieHard5 How do you ruin a series like Die Hard? Well first off you release a sub par fourth movie and remove half the swearing and violence and then you follow it up with what is essentially a Die Hard movie for teenagers. It's Die Hard for the Twilight generation. Cast your mind back to the original Die Hard and think long and hard about why you loved it so much. Keep that thought in your head and skip over this one - because it will erase any memory you have of Bruce Willis in his vest kicking the shit out of the bad guys and replace it with a big steaming pile of dog poo. Having the modern day cowboy figure of John McClane transported to Russia could have worked at one time but now it's just a gimmick to bring back a legendary action hero and have him pass the torch to his son. There's no need for that kind of sentimental crap in an action movie. I'm sorry but there isn't. I think I just vomited on my keyboard.

Master of Quack-Fu. Fishfinger Sandwich aficionado. Troll Hunter.