10 More Terrifying Horror Movies Set During Daylight

4. The Birds (1963)

YellowBrickRoad Movie
Universal Pictures

Based on the 1952 work by Daphne du Maurier, The Birds is one of Alfred Hitchcock's most enduring works and a landmark moment in the history of special effects. Based on real-life events in Capitola, California that saw hordes of seabirds divebombing the coastline due to exposure to toxic algae, development for the film went through numerous different creative directions.

Eventually, however, Hitchcock settled on there being no reason explained as to why all these winged beauties would decide to have at it with humanity, which goes a long way in adding an extra terrifying dimension to proceedings.

In comparison to the dark and shadowy Psycho, what also helps with this is Hitchcock's decision to have the majority of the film take place in broad daylight with animals audiences are used to seeing every single day. The fact that something as innocuous as a seagull can suddenly be shown divebombing an entire school filled with children must have been quite the adjustment for audiences back in 1963.


Horror fan, gamer, all round subpar content creator. Strongly believes that Toad is the real hero of the Mario universe, and that we've probably had enough Batman origin stories.