10 More Terrifying Horror Movies Set During Daylight

3. Dawn Of The Dead (1978)

YellowBrickRoad Movie
United Film Distribution Company

As the name would suggest, Dawn of the Dead is primarily set during the first morning after an apocalyptic zombie outbreak.

A decade on from its predecessor, George A. Romero updates the outbreak from black and white to fully colourised, allowing Tom Savini's superb makeup skills to come to the fore.

The film also swaps out its setting from an old country farmhouse in Night to a sprawling mall in the middle of a city in Dawn. Whilst it doesn't quite have the same claustrophobic feel as the original, Dawn of the Dead helped write a new rulebook for zombies unseen in movies before. With these creatures in all manner of attires with gormless expressions, it was a truly groundbreaking moment for the subgenre.

The fact that these zombies are all still happy enough walking about during the daytime and returning to familiar spaces such as shopping malls gives them a solid injection of humanity, and lay the foundations for later titles such as The Walking Dead.


Horror fan, gamer, all round subpar content creator. Strongly believes that Toad is the real hero of the Mario universe, and that we've probably had enough Batman origin stories.