10 More Times Star Wars Filmed Things You Weren't Meant To See

7. Luke's Rather Bizarre Drop Down - Episode V: The Empire Strikes Back

Star Wars Return of the Jedi Luke Skywalker Force Kick

Returning to Episode V's trip to Bespin now, and to a mistake that just about everyone overlooked during one of the most iconic duels in movie history.

With Luke Skywalker locking lightsabers with a Dark Lord of the Sith who would soon be revealed as his daddy, the former knocked the latter off a platform before following the Sith into the darkness.

And it's during that descent when Mark Hamill is found very much dropping down from up high, only to suddenly pop back up for a brief second before the action cuts to Luke landing in front of a tunnel.

It's an easily missed gaffe (via Reddit).

But once you spot Hamill quickly bobbing back up in one shot before being shown to land and immediately make his way down a tunnel which suddenly opens up in the next, it's glaringly obvious that someone missed the star's late jolt back up to an upright position when cutting together the two shots.

Or maybe this bouncing Skywalker just enjoyed another short Force jump before continuing his pursuit of his legendary father.

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