10 More Times Star Wars Filmed Things You Weren't Meant To See

8. Padmé's Charging Dress -Episode I: The Phantom Menace

Star Wars Return of the Jedi Luke Skywalker Force Kick

Throughout Episode I, Queen of the Naboo Padmé Amidala shows off some pretty outrageous threads.

Along with a rather impressive travelling gown, the ruler of the Naboo boasted an instantly iconic red dress during the moment her planet was invaded by the Trade Federation. But in order to power an item of clothing that possessed glowing orange orbs hovering above the ground, it seems as though this royal couldn't ever be too far away from a plug socket.

After spotting said balls of bright orange on the garms, your eyes have no choice but to follow what looks like a black cable coming out of the dress. This cable can be seen coming out of one of the Palace's walls, where it was no-doubt attached to a power source to keep this beloved Queen from running out of juice.

Lucas was likely hoping that his waves of CGI droids would divert attention away from such a hilarious oversight. Yet, 20 years on, it's still hard to get through this scene without cracking a smile at the mind behind the galaxy far, far away accidentally making a plugged-in Amidala canon.

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