10 More Trippy Freak Out Film Scenes That Will Melt Your Mind

6. The Trip

thetrip As the title suggests, there's a fair amount of the ol' lysergic to be found in Roger Corman's 1967 cult classic; not least because it draws on his and writer Jack Nicholson's own experiences. The film charts the misadventures of commercial director Paul Groves (Peter Fonda), a man who swaps the pain from a bitter break-up with the blissful insanity of acid. Of course, it being the Sixties, not to mention a mind-altering substance, he soon finds a frenetic, fast-talking dealer in the form of Dennis Hopper. How this all leads to the below sequence- with the room decorated like an underwhelming magic show, Hopper dressed as a high priest (as it were), the camera lens tinted with a dreamlike pink, a little person interjecting with the rather strange cry of ''Bay of Pigs!'' while riding on a carousel- is best seen with your own eyes; it's certainly a trip worth taking. And if you haven't quite had your fix of Fonda and Hopper frying their brains, then be sure to jump on the back of 1969's Easy Rider.
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Yorkshireman (hence the surname). Often spotted sacrificing sleep and sanity for the annual Leeds International Film Festival. For a sample of (fairly) recent film reviews, please visit whatsnottoblog.wordpress.com.