10 More Unbelievable Star Wars Facts That Are Somehow True

5. There Was Once A Clone Of Luke Skywalker Called Luuke Skywalker

Alec Guiness Is A Bad Actor

So, the idea of clones has been a rather common element within the galaxy far, far away from as far back as the very first Star Wars movie, with the Clone Wars being mentioned during a conversation between Luke and Obi-Wan on Tatooine.

Said Clones would then be seen in action during the prequels, with Palpatine then later going on to hop into a cloned version of himself in the sequels. But those weren't the only examples of cloning in the galaxy far, far away, people.

As silly as it may sound on paper, there was actually a clone of Luke Skywalker himself created in the old Legends continuity, one who went by the name of - wait for it - Luuke Skywalker.

Showing up in the Last Command novel within The Thrawn Trilogy, Luuke was created from the hand the OG Skywalker lost whilst duelling his father on Bespin. And he'd even go on to cross lightsabers with the other Luke, using the blue Skywalker lightsaber against the real son of Anakin.

It didn't work out too well for that copy of the legend, though, as the clone created by Dark Jedi Joruus C’baoth - himself a clone of Jedi Master Jorus C'baoth - was ultimately killed by one-time Emperor's Hand Mara Jade.

But Legends history will always show that there was a weird ol' time there when multiple Luke's were wandering around the universe.


Lifts rubber and metal. Watches people flip in spandex and pretends to be other individuals from time to time...