10 More Worst CGI Moments In Star Wars

1. The Blurrg - The Mandalorian

Attack of the Clones Arena Battle Bad

Trying to make a real person sitting on top of a fully digital animal look convincing can be a tough nut to crack.

This was something that was evident during the first season of The Mandalorian.

Now it must be said that the majority of the digital effects present in these first few episodes of Mando fun are solid-to-tremendous, especially for a TV show. A show with a $100 million budget, admittedly, but that's still smaller than your average modern-day Star Wars blockbuster.

Though that smaller budget wasn't really felt all that much when Din Djarin was interacting with a cute little puppet Grogu or fighting off stormtroopers, it sadly was during the moment when the titular Mandalorian hopped on the aforementioned blurrg.

Feeling like one of the many pointless creatures George Lucas stuffed into his original trilogy over the years, this alien first seen in the Ewoks: The Battle of Endor was one of the few low points in an otherwise strong first season.

The VFX team evidently went to great lengths to bring the blurrgs back into the galaxy far, far away, even throwing Pedro Pascal and stunt doubles onto a buck for the moment when he tries to hop onto one. The digital blurrg was then added in later (via Observer).

It's a shame then that, outside of the odd impressive close-up, the CGI blurrgs drag down the majority of the scenes they're in - especially the ones where they're seen going for a weightless run. 


Lifts rubber and metal. Watches people flip in spandex and pretends to be other individuals from time to time...