10 Most Annoying Characters In Batman Movies

5. Two-Face (Batman Forever)

Harvey Dent is one of Batman€™s most classic villains. He's the perfect district attorney doing everything he can to clean up his city that's turned into a mentally deranged murderer bound by fate and chance. There can be a lot of emotional depth to the character when handled properly. That€™s not what happened in Batman Forever. Gone was the psychological trauma of the character, instead he was a cackling madman in a half-leopard print suit and purple lipstick. It felt like Tommy Lee Jones was just playing The Joker but with a different makeup job. Everything he does is ridiculously themed around duality, from his over the top hideout to his repeated references to himself as €˜us€™ and €˜we€™. Two-Face€™s shtick grows tired very quickly and more annoying than anything is that he doesn€™t even adhere to his own gimmick. When he has Batman captured later on in the film, he repeatedly flips his coin until he gets the desired result. This goes against everything we know about the character and undermines his entire persona. It's no surprise that Batman Forever is so disliked.

Connor loves movies, comics, and TV, and is trying to write for people who feel the same way. When he's not sitting on the couch with his laptop, you might find him lying in his bed with his laptop.