10 Most Annoying Final Girls In Horror Movie History
1. Bridget - Leprechaun 2
Most of the final girls from the Leprechaun series could have a shot at making their way onto this list, such is the quality of writing on show in the franchise, but there's just something so undeniably infuriating about everything in Leprechaun 2 that it edges out all other competition.
The film responsible for pushing the franchise direct to video, Leprechaun 2 doesn't have any of the so-bad-it's-good comedy or wacky storylines and settings that the franchise would become known for, just the exact same plot as the original (only in a urbanised town instead of a farmstead) and a whole load of detestable characters to want to see die.
And they don't come more detestable than Bridget, the film's final girl who sadly manages to survive the little green tearaway.
Introduced as a whiny girlfriend who sabotages her boyfriend's job because he had to cancel their date due to work, Bridget then leaves said boyfriend that very night for literally the first man that looked at her, is then captured by Leprechaun, fails to escape twice and then jumps back to her boyfriend when he rescues them as if nothing had happened.
It's rare to find 'selfish', 'mean' and 'helpless' all in the same final girl, but Bridget in Leprechaun 2 sure manages to nail it...