10 Most Annoying Final Girls In Horror Movie History
2. The Girl/Princess Gemstone - Laid To Rest
2009's Laid to Rest was a decent enough low budget slasher film, though most of the good points about the movie came from its sinister villain, ChromeSkull. However, it's so often the way in the world of horror that a brilliant baddie can bring out the terrible in a terrible final girl, and that is sadly the case with The Girl/Princess Gemstone in Laid to Rest.
The Girl, nicknamed Princess Gemstone, spends the entire film in this constant cat and mouse game with ChromeSkull; he chases her to a location, she fends him off and runs away, he follows her and tries again, and so on and so forth.
All in all, this formula leaves very little time for anything resembling development or an arc for Princess, and Bobbi Sue Luther's pretty questionable acting the whole time doesn't help the character's appeal too much either. Given that this was also a movie that had Lena Headey killed off in the opening stages, there's no escaping thinking what could have been here.
Laid to Rest has a great villain, some solid visuals for a movie so indie and a plethora of impressive special effects, but they're all pretty wasted when there's such a wooden final girl screaming and running away from them all the time.