10 Most Annoying Final Girls In Horror Movie History

6. Angela Vidal - Quarantine

Prom Night
Screen Gems

REC was a 2007 Spanish film that helped revitalise the found footage sub genre. Tense, terrifying and filled with charismatic characters, it established a legacy as one of the finest releases of its time, spawned its very own franchise and, in Quarantine, its very own remake as well.

Some of REC's co-writers openly expressed their displeasure at just how much of a rip off Quarantine was of the original, and the fact that the film's final girl, Angela Vidal, is another reporter exploring an apartment building filled with people infected with a strange strand of rabies just goes to show how far the similarities stretch.

Unfortuantely for Quarantine, the only thing it manages to stand out with against the original is just how bland of a character its lead character really is.

Angela is one of those final girls who offers next to nothing constructive to the team during the runtime, but does at least boast an infuriating amount of time breathing down the camera and then screaming like a hapless damsel in distress.

Not the ideal traits to have going on as the final girl in a found footage flick.

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Horror fan, gamer, all round subpar content creator. Strongly believes that Toad is the real hero of the Mario universe, and that we've probably had enough Batman origin stories.