10 Most Annoying Final Girls In Horror Movie History

5. Nancy Holbrook - A Nightmare On Elm Street

Prom Night
New Line Cinema

The 2010 remake of A Nightmare on Elm Street was released during the peak of the horror movie remake craze and is easily one of the worst examples of it at work. Jackie Earle Haley gives it his all as Freddy, but the darker tone and rehashing of all the things the original did perfectly fine in the first place just makes this film feel unnecessary more than anything else.

Nancy Thompson from the original Nightmare might just be the best final girl of all time, however her replacement, Rooney Mara's Nancy Holbrook, is about as far away as it comes to being amongst the best.

In this version of Nightmare, Nancy has gone from likeable, resourceful and competent to literally the opposite of all of these things. Broody and constantly banging on about how "she doesn't fit in anywhere", Nancy is led through all the film's developments first by Jesse then by Quentin and barely goes through anything resembling development over the course of the film.

Will Hollywood ever realise that broody characters who spend all their time saying how different they are to everyone else doesn't qualify as either interesting or likeable?

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Horror fan, gamer, all round subpar content creator. Strongly believes that Toad is the real hero of the Mario universe, and that we've probably had enough Batman origin stories.