10 Most Annoying Little Inconsistencies In MCU History

3. 'One Word...'

Loki Marvel
Marvel Studios

Back in 2015, both Wanda and Pietro Maximoff were introduced to the MCU, initially as enemies of the Avengers. They were part of Strucker’s experiments with the Mind Stone, and later joined forces with Ultron in an attempt to bring Earth’s Mightiest Heroes down.

There was a moment during Age of Ultron in which their tragic childhood was explained. Within war-torn Sokovia, the home of the Maximoffs was hit by a bomb. They were trapped for days waiting for this shell to go off, and though it didn’t, they spend the entire time staring at it and waiting. On the side of the bomb was painted one word – Stark.

Pietro was very specific about this, and it explained the twins’ hatred for Iron Man nicely, but six years later in WandaVision, this was contradicted. When Agatha took Wanda through her past, the audience saw this scene play out for the very first time.

The bomb was there, but there was not just one word painted as had been confirmed six years earlier, it actually said 'Stark Industries', which is very definitely two words. It’s not like Pietro would have forgotten, as he had looked at it for days on end, this was a ball dropped by WandaVision. Surely if you’re going to create a scene that has already been described, you should make sure you keep to that description.


This standard nerd combines the looks of Shaggy with the brains of Scooby, has an unhealthy obsession with the Marvel Cinematic Universe, and is a firm believer that Alter Bridge are the greatest band in the world.