10 Most Annoying Little Inconsistencies In MCU History

2. Gamora's Home Planet

Loki Marvel
Marvel Studios

With Guardians of the Galaxy in 2014, the Marvel Cinematic Universe truly opened up the cosmic side of the franchise. The Thor movies had dabbled with the mysteries of outer space before, but Guardians changed the game, even with its main characters.

Each of the five Guardians was utterly unique and from a different world, and when they were arrested on Xandar, they were given some exposition by the Nova Corps database. One of these nuggets of information was that Gamora was from Zen-Whoberi, and was the last survivor of her kind. This was unquestioned at the time, and even added to the badassery of her character.

However, this became a problem when it was directly contradicted in Avengers: Infinity War by Thanos himself. In something akin to validating his extreme methods to Gamora, the Mad Titan explained to her that since he slaughtered half her home planet’s population, the civilization was thriving.

Obviously, this would be impossible if Gamora was the only one left. So, either Thanos is lying, which Nebula confirmed in Endgame is something unimaginable, or the Nova Corps have false information, something that also seems unlikely.


This standard nerd combines the looks of Shaggy with the brains of Scooby, has an unhealthy obsession with the Marvel Cinematic Universe, and is a firm believer that Alter Bridge are the greatest band in the world.