10 Most Annoying Minor Characters In The MCU

8. Helen Cho

Kat Dennings Darcy Thor The Dark World
Marvel Studios

Helen Cho on her own isn’t all that annoying, though she is fairly bland considering she’s lifted from the comics and not just a random stand in doctor.

What’s most annoying is how readily she’s squandered, which seems strange from a movie by Joss Whedon.

Whedon directed the first Avengers, which at the time seemed like it couldn’t be beaten for superhero spectacle. These days, the MCU has come a long way even from then, but Age Of Ultron proved Whedon couldn’t quite pull off the same trick twice.

It’s a decent movie with good character moments and trademark Whedon quips, but the lustre is lacking.

While Cho isn’t the clearest example of this, the decision to introduce yet fail to develop her seems very off-brand, especially given she doesn’t particularly need focus and Age Of Ultron is already struggling to introduce so many new faces.

Although Helen Cho isn’t especially entertaining in the comics (she essentially exists to be Amadeus Cho’s mother), Whedon’s thing is usually giving female characters depth and a chance to shine. Helen Cho really feels like the rug is pulled from under us with no good reason, so definitely qualifies as an annoying minor character.

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