10 Most Annoying Movie Characters EVER

9. Ruby Rhod - The Fifth Element

The Fifth Element Chris Tucker
Buena Vista Pictures

For as charming as Milla Jovovich's Leeloo is in sci-fi cult classic The Fifth Element, Chris Tucker's flamboyant talk-show host Ruby Rhod is basically the pure inverse.

Sporting Tucker's signature high-pitched voice and rat-a-tat motormouth, there's no denying that Luc Besson wanted Ruby to be incredibly extra, but he ultimately tipped the balance too far, enough that many wish the character simply didn't exist at all.

Tucker certainly does a good job with what he was given, and Ruby's clothes and general get-up are undeniably amusing, but his loud, overbearing presence basically ensures this is the worst possible movie you could ever watch with a pounding hangover.

If Ruby only showed up for a few scenes that'd be one thing, but given that he's the primary comic relief sidekick throughout most of the movie, fans ultimately have to enjoy the film in spite of his persistent, soul-draining presence.


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.