10 Most Annoying Movie Characters EVER

5. Samuel Vanek - The Babadook

The Fifth Element Chris Tucker

The Babadook is one of the greatest horror films of the last decade, in spite of the fact that it touts one of the most unbearable child characters in cinema history.

The film centers around a widowed single mother, Amelia (Essie Davis), who is struggling to raise her six-year-old son Samuel (Noah Wiseman), whose behaviour becomes increasingly erratic as he believes that the titular monster resides in their home.

Now to be clear, Sam is 100% supposed to be a difficult character - the entire point is that Amelia is worn down by his behavioural issues, to the extent that she infamously eventually screams at him, "Why can’t you just be normal!?"

But there's no denying that spending 90 minutes in the presence of a screaming kid is a major ask, no matter how well-crafted the movie might be otherwise.

And that's no criticism of young actor Noah Wiseman either, who absolutely understood the assignment and made Samuel as obnoxious as director Jennifer Kent surely intended.

Even so, Sam's unrelentingly challenging demeanour makes revisiting The Babadook genuinely less appealing, so it's fair that many wish Kent had dialled Sam's banshee-like screeching back a tad.


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.