10 Most Annoying Movie Characters EVER

4. Sam's Parents - Transformers

The Fifth Element Chris Tucker

The Transformers movies certainly don't leave audiences wanting for irritating characters, and yet somehow worse than caricature-bots Skids and Mudflap is Sam Witwicky's (Shia LaBeouf) "comic relief" parents.

Ron (Kevin Dunn) and Judy Witwicky (Julie White) show up periodically throughout the first three films to deliver some toe-curlingly awful "comedy" skits that only further distend each film's wildly bloated runtime.

In the first Transformers it was Sam's mother talking about masturbation while he tried to cover up Bumblebee's presence, and in sequel Revenge of the Fallen we had to suffer through his parents getting inadvertently stoned on pot brownies.

It's all the more infuriating given that Kevin Dunn and Julie White are genuinely great actors, so for them to end up playing such agonisingly unlikeable and flagrantly unnecessary side characters is hugely frustrating. At least they hopefully got some fat paychecks out of it.

The Bayformers films are sadly packed to the gills with awful humour, and it doesn't get any worse than Sam's parents being repeatedly shoehorned into them for no good reason.


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.