10 Most Annoying Movie Plot Holes Ever

8. 28 Weeks Later - It Should’ve All Been Prevented

Liar Liar Court Scene

28 Weeks Later does, at times, do a great job at highlighting the problems with an army-controlled state and accountability in disaster scenarios. They set it all up to show us how controlling the soldiers are, how everything is monitored and all these calculated steps are being taken to get the UK back to normal after the events of the first movie.

Why, then, were they suddenly so careless that Don was able to get into the room in which his wife was being quarantined without anyone knowing or stopping him? Why was he able to be in there long enough to kiss her, become infected and then go crazy and smash her head in - all without anyone hearing or noticing?

It seems like a glaring abyss of idiocy in what is meant to be a tightly controlled, army-run facility. Quarantine rooms would be guarded! Asymptomatic carriers who could threaten the wellbeing of an entire country (and, as we see at the end, world) would be watched!

But no, apparently not. The world is going to end and it’s all because apparently nobody thought to guard one infectious woman.


WhatCulture's shortest contributor (probably). Lover of cats, baked goods and Netflix Originals.