10 Most Annoying Tiny Inconsistencies In Star Wars

7. Zero Mention Of Qui-Gon Being Obi-Wan's Master In The Original Trilogy

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A quick glance at the relationship between Master Qui-Gon Jinn and padawan Obi-Wan Kenobi over the course of the Prequel Trilogy, and even the recent Disney+ Kenobi series, tells the story of two Jedi who were remarkably close and shared a rather strong connection through the Force.

Yet, said connection was seemingly nowhere to be seen at any point in the Original Trilogy, with Kenobi even going as far as to claim to Luke that Master Yoda was "the Jedi Master who instructed (him)" during the opening stages of The Empire Strikes Back.

Admittedly, that is true in a sense, with the little green legend likely having a hand in Obi-Wan's training as a youngling and noting how he had "training" for Kenobi on Tatooine during his solitude towards the end of Episode III. But the fact Kenobi doesn't even at least offer a nod to the Master who arguably taught him the most over the course of his life feels strange when taking in the series as a whole.

The OG trio of flicks coming into existence before Qui-Gon even debuted in The Phantom Menace didn't help matters, of course. Yet, that doesn't change the fact that Jinn's eventual absence feels jarring all these years later.

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