10 Most Annoying Tiny Inconsistencies In Star Wars

8. The High Ground Isn't All It's Cracked Up To Be

star wars plo koon death revenge of the sith

It was always going to be pretty tough to get through the recent Disney+ Obi-Wan Kenobi series without at least one subtle reference to a certain "high ground" being held by a character at one point or another.

And sure enough, during Kenobi and Darth Vader's climactic rematch of the century, big bad Vader gains precisely that. Justice, I say!

Yet, instead of leading to sure-fire victory and things being very much "over", as Obi-Wan once put it, the former Anakin Skywalker's controlling of the high ground still doesn't guarantee him victory in the end.

And this isn't the only time a Force-user has failed to seal the deal upon taking this precious high ground either. Darth Maul also struggled to make good on such a glorious advantage in The Phantom Menace when once again faced with taking down the eventual Ben.

So, does the high ground somehow only hold the key to victory for those who choose to see the light in the Force? Or did Obi-Wan just know better than anyone else how to get the most out of this particular combat situation?

Either way, the high ground most definitely isn't a consistent game-changer in this galaxy far, far away.

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