10 Most Anticipated Horror Films Still To Come In 2017

7. Killing Ground

Pennywise It 2017
Sundance Film Festival

As anyone who's ever sat through an Australian horror film will testify, they don't hold back in the Land Down Under - Wolf Creek, anyone?

With this in mind, Killing Ground is an outback camping trip gone wrong that slasher fans will be eager to be a part of.

Tasmanian director Damien Power's grounded tale of redneck psychopaths in the outback earned rave reviews while scaring the bejesus out of audiences at the at the Sundance Film Festival, and we've got everything crossed for a UK-wide release.

Killing Ground made its UK debut at the Edinburgh Film Festival and earned critical acclaim while doing the rounds on the US festival circuit, so there's a good chance this one will be shocking cinemagoers in a theatre near your later this year.

Release date: 24 August (Australia)


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