10 Most Anticipated Horror Movie Sequels Coming In 2022 (And Beyond)

5. Final Destination 6

The Exorcist
New Line Cinema

There are some sequels that have been stuck in development hell forever. We've been waiting on a new Friday the 13th for a decade, Sam Raimi spent years teasing us with a proper Evil Dead 4, and Final Destination 6 has constantly been talked about without anything to show for it.

That looks to be changing though, as the property finally gained some steam in 2019, with Saw writers Patrick Melton and Marcus Dunstan being brought on board to pen the script. In 2020 too the producers teased the plot of the movie, saying:

"We're toying with having it take place in the world of first responders: EMTs, firemen and police. These people deal with death on the front lines every day, and make choices that can cause people to live or die."

There's been little new info since then, but original creator Jeffrey Reddick said that was mostly down to COVID delaying work on the picture.

With the franchise coming full circle in surprise prequel Final Destination 5, this new flick has been touted as something of a re-imagining, so let's hope it's worth the extended wait.


Writer. Mumbler. Only person on the internet who liked Spider-Man 3