10 Most Anticipated Horror Movie Sequels Coming In 2022 (And Beyond)

4. Predator 5: Skulls

The Exorcist
20th Century Fox

The Predator franchise is one of those where its characters and world are more popular and successful than the actual movies they're from. While the original is a classic, the series has struggled with sequels ever since, with 2010's surprisingly decent Predators failing to find an audience and Shane Black's The Predator actively pissing off some fans.

Now, you might not know that a fifth film is in the works, and that's actually how the director would prefer it. See, Dan Trachtenberg has been working on his own Predator film since 2016 - under the title Skulls - and the original plan was to release it into theatres as a surprise without drawing attention to the fact that it was a new instalment in the franchise.

Unfortunately, because nothing can remain fully under wraps in the modern age, Skulls' Predator connections were leaked and reported on, with the director taking to twitter to say:

It's a shame that we won't get the full surprise as intended, but it's still exciting that a new movie is on the way.


Writer. Mumbler. Only person on the internet who liked Spider-Man 3