10 Most Anticipated Movie Scenes Of All Time

The scenes EVERYONE was waiting to see.

Avengers Endgame
Marvel Studios

Easy though it is to be cynical about the state of modern filmmaking and refuse to entertain excitement about anything, it sure is fun to get hype about a new movie - doubly so if it actually meets lofty audience expectations.

Many movies hinge their marketing around a single marquee moment that the studio knows will be pure catnip to audiences, ensuring just about everyone with a pulse will want to see it play out on the big screen. And such scenes don't get much bigger or more epic than this lot, each of which ranks among the single most anticipated of all time.

From the natural conclusion to an epic trilogy, to a long-awaited movie star pairing, an incredible effects shot, and an inevitable scene that would pay off over a decade of franchise storytelling, these are the ever-hyped movie scenes audiences couldn't wait to feast their eyes on.

But did they satisfy expectations? Thankfully, for the most part, yes, though some definitely proved polarising with the fandom at large. Then again, living up to moments this awe-inspiring on paper can't be easy.

10. Pacino & De Niro Finally Meet On Screen - Heat

Avengers Endgame
Warner Bros.

Michael Mann's 1995 crime thriller Heat was hyped into the stratosphere for pulling off the coup of finally getting Hollywood legends Robert De Niro and Al Pacino to share the screen.

The duo had flirted with working together for more than 20 years before the stars finally aligned, and though De Niro and Pacino's characters are naturally kept at arm's length from one another for most of the movie due to operating on different sides of the law, they do eventually meet up.

Mid-way through Heat, De Niro's thief Neil McCauley and Pacino's cop Vincent Hanna sit down for coffee, resulting in a superbly written and acted six-minute sequence where the duo discuss their very different lives. 

It absolutely lives up to the brilliance of each actor's esteem, even if Mann's over-the-shoulder shooting style ironically sparked a conspiracy theory that the duo actually filmed their sides of the scene separately with body doubles. 

Thankfully, though, set photos put those bogus claims to bed.


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.