10 Most Anxiety-Inducing Movie Scenes EVER

8. Blair Witch - Crawlspace

Prometheus C Section Scene

Lots of people have a problem with 2016's late sequel to the original The Blair Witch Project. And whether it's for the resurrection of found footage or by the choice to add in a glimpse of a real monster, I'm here to roundly tell you that they're wrong. Blair Witch is a solid piece of cinema that masterfully seeds tension before an explosive finale - and would have been praised time and again if it were under another title.

And just to prove that point, the crawlspace scene under the dilapidated house is one of the most stressful pieces of found footage filmmaking out there. Forced to flee from a long-limbed, pale monstrosity intent on hunting her down, Lisa is pushed into a tunnel that isn't quite big enough for her to squeeze through. Cue long, unbearable minutes of her pulling herself through a dirty, wet hole whilst panicking, and hearing a monster in pursuit behind her that will kill her should it catch up.

That Lisa gets stuck just adds to how overwhelming the whole thing is. It makes you pray for the whole thing to just be over, much like The Descent scene that it feels inspired by.

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Horror film junkie, burrito connoisseur, and serial cat stroker. WhatCulture's least favourite ginger.