10 Most Anxiety-Inducing Movie Scenes EVER

7. Uncut Gems - The BIG Bet

Prometheus C Section Scene

Uncut Gems is just one big long anxiety attack wrapped up in Adam Sandler's terrible taste in shirts. Depicting a jeweller that's gotten himself in a mess with money, his decision making is clouded by the need to get just one giant win. He buys a giant opal he intends to sell for six-figures, places bets across the city, and constantly pawns and repurchases items that don't belong to him to get ahead of his cash - but each attempt fails miserably as Howard clutches at straws.

This all culminates in loan sharks coming to collect on Howard's debt at his store. Rushing his mistress away with the only cash he has to his name from finally selling the opal (for a fraction of his predicted price), Howard accidentally traps the debt collectors in between the glass security doors. Putting on the game he intends to bet on, the men sit and begrudgingly watch - the whole experience a sweaty, heart-pounding mess as Howard's life lies in the balance of a single basketball game.

In the end, it doesn't matter, with any catharsis born from actually winning quite literally shot in the head.

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Horror film junkie, burrito connoisseur, and serial cat stroker. WhatCulture's least favourite ginger.