10 Most Anxiety-Inducing Movie Scenes EVER

6. Underwater - "Kelp" Field

Prometheus C Section Scene
20th Century Fox

Stuck in a collapsing mining rig on the floor of the Mariana Trench, Norah and the rest of the crew are forced to try and get back to the surface with not enough oxygen and a strange, terrifying new species intent on killing anything human. Underwater is a movie that will hurt your chest from start to finish with its pitch black waters and depictions of horrific, brutal deaths that can happen on the flip of a coin.

Now, I'm going to get into spoiler territory here, so if you haven't seen this film yet then give yourself a chance to enjoy it first.

Near the end of the film, Norah is faced with what looks like a bed of kelp in between her and the entrance to the station that houses the escape pods, only it's actually a bunch of monster arms waving in the current. One wrong move will see them wake up and devour her, resulting in a scene that will have you holding your breath as she attempts to navigate the slippery limbs.

Of course, it doesn't go well, and she's consumed by one (horrible) before breaking out with a bolt gun (small relief) - only to find that something much bigger, and infinitely, cosmically terrifying lies in wait (even more horrible). It's a masterwork that will have your heart in your mouth before dropping to the pit of your stomach.

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Horror film junkie, burrito connoisseur, and serial cat stroker. WhatCulture's least favourite ginger.