10 Most Bad-Ass Batman Movie Moments

7. The Bat-Pod - The Dark Knight

Christian Bale As Batman In The Dark Knight
Warner Bros.

While the Tumbler chase sequence in The Dark Knight was another vehicular high-point in the franchise (not much has really come close to Nolan's eye for chase spectacle), it's the Batpod's explosive arrival in the same film that exists on another level entirely.

As the Tumbler is destroyed by his own hand, Batman pilots the sleek, stream-lined bike out of the burning wreckage like a proverbial phoenix from the flames. And with a rather beautiful disregard for collateral damage, Batman uses the heavily equipped pod to blast his way through traffic to get to the Joker. It's like an extension of his singular commitment to bringing him down.

And in a stunning pay-off we see the little Batpod that could flip the Joker's giant truck in one of the most visually dazzling sequences in the entire franchise before a near-deadly game of chicken that allows the Joker to show off his strange courtship of death (and his desire to force Batman off the edge).

“Hit me. C’mon, c’mon, I want you to do it, I want you to do it.”

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