10 Most Bad-Ass Batman Movie Moments

8. Batman V Superman - Batman V Superman: Dawn Of Justice

Batman V Superman dawn of justice ben affleck
Warner Bros

Okay, so the "Martha!" pay-off is a little ridiculous, but this was still a hugely hyped moment that actually delivered in Zack Snyder's muscle-bound, brooding epic.

Aside from the Joker/Batman clash from The Dark Knight, this was the first time Batman was really in a fight where the stakes could be fatal. He wasn't pulling punches, he wasn't abiding by his strict moral code and he wasn't facing an enemy who feared him in any way.

His dust-up with Superman was the culmination of years of hype, and while the warehouse sequence - and the Knightmare vision - were arguably more fun action sequences - seeing the two titans finally face off was stunning. And rather ingeniously, it never actually sought to answer the age old question of who would win.

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