10 Most Believable Avengers 4 Fan Theories

4. Avengers 4 Will Be Avengers: Infinity Rebooted

Infinity War Hulk
Marvel Studios

The Theory

What we really need to know is how Captain Marvel will be of any assistance at all when Thanos has already killed off half of existence in Infinity War. Sure she's powerful, but unless she can actually affect time then she's just as useless as everyone else.

But what if Marvel's comic book power of cosmic awareness (at least shown by Mar Vell), which allowed him to sense major threats could be used by Marvel to see Thanos' threat coming before it does? What if her arrival in the MCU sees her actually jump in time to before the Battle Of Wakanda and the climax of Avengers 4 will see her using her foresight to help the Avengers actually win?

Why It's Believable

That shot from the trailer of Hulk running into battle is the most telling bit of evidence here. Could it be that that was completed footage for Avengers 4 suggesting that part of the sequel will be a retread of Infinity War's key sequence, but with the gift of hindsight helping the heroes change the outcome.

That definitely fits with the importance of time travel and it would explain why Captain Marvel is such a key figure.


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