10 Most Believable Rumours About The Marvel Cinematic Universe

8. The Vulture Is One Of The Villains In Spider-Man: Homecoming

Marvel Moon Knight
Marvel Comics

Casting for Spider-Man: Homecoming has been ramping up lately. Michael Keaton was reported to be in talks to play the lead villain, and though he may have just dropped out, the role he was up for may already have nevertheless been revealed. In a separate report by Birth Movies Death, the Vulture was named as a likely candidate for one of the film's villains.

The Vulture is one of the first villains Spider-Man ever faced. His flight-based skills may be simple, but perhaps a beginner threat is exactly what this Spider-Man needs to deal with in his first film. Visually at least, the Vulture won’t be a boring villain, and some sky-bound battles with Spider-Man could give him plenty of opportunities to do some web-swinging.

The character certainly has the potential to be elevated with the right actor in the part. And while Keaton won’t be the one to do it, it’s clear that Marvel are pursuing a high quality actor to realize this villain. Even if he's not the main villain of the piece.

There's lots of exciting possibilities for who could handle The Vulture, and though we may have to wait to find out who it will be, we still already have a better sense of what kind of threat Spider-Man is going to have to deal with.


Connor loves movies, comics, and TV, and is trying to write for people who feel the same way. When he's not sitting on the couch with his laptop, you might find him lying in his bed with his laptop.