10 Most Bizarre Cases of Movie Censorship

7. No Smoking, Please - Grease

Grease is a love it or hate it movie for many people, but one thing that it did effectively is convey a nostalgia-tinted vision of the time and place in which it was set. Whether or not musicals are your thing, it certainly captured the spirit of the times. For better or worse, it also consolidated the career of John Travolta after the huge success of Saturday Night Fever. One of the habits the characters have is certainly in keeping with the period in which it is set - back in the 1950s smoking was more commonplace than it is today. Fearing that anyone who saw the trailer for the re-release would immediately start smoking themselves, the censors digitally removed all cigarettes. As with Harry Potter And The Deathly Hallows, the smoking remains in the actual film, which surely would annoy parents familiar with the film who thought a more suitable child-friendly edit had been made.
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