10 Most Brutal Moments In The MCU

8. Vision Dies... Again - Avengers: Infinity War

Avengers Endgame Thor Thanos

The wait was over. Thanos was coming and nobody could stop him.

One by one, the MCU's heroes began to fall as Thanos stalked towards Vision to take the Mind Stone off his head in Avengers: Infinity War. In this crucial moment, Wanda Maximoff made the most heartbreaking sacrifice by destroying the Mind Stone - and Vis! - before the Man Titan could get to her beau.

Vision’s first death is not graphic, because the scene quickly breaks away from him the moment he dies. However, when Thanos killed him again, that was a different story.

Upon rewriting time, the all-powerful villain squeezed the Mind Stone off Vision’s head in a slow pinching motion that looks like the most painful thing in the world. The insides of the hero’s head are visible for a second, and the color disappears from his body. Then, there is a clear look at Vision’s lifeless corpse falling to the ground.

Vision may be an android, but that does not stop this moment from being any less disturbing. Disney got away with this scene because it is only a robot that has a hole in its head, but for us viewers, it has just as much emotional impact as if Vision was a human being.

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