10 Most Confusing Films Of All-Time

8. Antichrist

Plot Summary €“ Willem Dafoe and Charlotte Gainsbourg play an unclean looking couple whose baby dies whilst they are having sex. They move to the woods and she starts freaking him out. He€™s a psychologist, there€™s a self-disembowling fox, a clitoris gets cut off and there€™s a whole lot of symbolism. Why is it confusing? Lars Von Trier is known for making dense, difficult cinematic tour-de-forces that polarize viewers completely, and Antichrist is no exception to this. Here, it isn€™t necessarily the plot that confuses the viewer, but instead the actions of the characters, the meaning of their cryptic dialogue, and the radical on screen activities (did you say a hailstorm of acorns?). If you see Willem Dafoe€™s name and think €˜sweet, Green Goblin!€™ this film will leave you feeling confused, horrified, and a little bit violated. For those acquainted with Von Trier€™s unique view of life (we are talking about a man who once said he €˜sympathised with Hitler€™ here) it will still shock, but in an €˜I sort of expect it now€™ way. Not an enjoyable film, but doubtless a cryptic, impenetrable force that you will be thinking about for days.
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I am a third year English student at the University of Southampton attempting to use my interest in music and films in a mildly productive manner. I hope it has worked.