10 Most Cursed Horror Films To Watch This Halloween 2020

2. Maximum Overdrive

The Conjuring
De Laurentiis Entertainment Group

Created from the mind of Stephen King's novel, Maximum Overdrive the movie debuted in 1986, depicting the debatably spooky tale of machines coming to life, embarking on a homicidal rampage to kill life on Earth. It was one of King's lesser successful creations, but one that sparked many strange happenings whilst in it's creation.

The cast and crew of the film were ready for the worst, after many production mishaps led to some close calls for camera crew and stuntmen alike. The security and safety measures were increased as the team attempted to finish the story for cinematic release, sensing that something was to go wrong every day they would turn up on set.

A hurricane even blew through the set during production, causing many scenes to be relocated, rescheduled or cut out completely with a small budget and not enough of a window to begin building again.

Despite it's very low set of reviews and fans of King's novels calling for a remake, much of the Hollywood scene are aware of the curse that lies over the film's head and do not dare to re-enter its catastophies again.


New Writer! Comic book movie lover, 80's films and 'nerdy' TV shows