10 Most Depressing Things About Justice League
7. Banter Falls Flat

Seeing the Justice Leaguers joke and quip in the trailers is a good sign the misery of Batman V Superman is long behind us, but it would have been even more positive if any of it was funny.
The Flash looks like he has the potential to be annoying. Virtually every time we see him in the trailers, he's laying on the banter far too thick.
The dialogue he shares with Batfleck is the worst offender... "I'm rich". Really? A joke about the Dark Knight's lack of superpowers? We've never heard that one before in the comics, animations, movies, video games or fan fiction.
Then there was Bruce Wayne's line in the first teaser trailer about Aquaman talking to fish... Are these gags not a bit obvious?
Next they'll be ripping into Superman for wearing tights! And speaking of Supes...