10 Most Disappointing Action Movie Sequels Ever

7. Highlander II: The Quickening

Taken 3

Highlander II has gone on to become a byword for how not to make a sequel, with the theatrically-released version of The Quickening often referred to as one of the worst movies ever made.

The first installment isn't exactly the greatest action movie ever made, but a combination of Queen's contributions to the soundtrack and an intentionally absurd and over-the-top story saw it quickly become a fan favorite, with some suitably scenery-chewing performances from the cast to boot.

Highlander wasn't exactly a box office success, but a post-release resurgence in popularity saw a sequel green-lit nonetheless, and based on how the finished product turned out they may as well never have bothered in the first place.

One of the rare movies that holds a 0% rating on Rotten Tomatoes, most people are in agreement that The Quickening isn't even competent enough to fall into 'so bad its good' territory, it's just a very stupid movie that fails to make even the slightest lick of sense.


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