10 Most Disappointing Action Movie Sequels Ever

6. The Expendables 3

Taken 3

The Expendables franchise was never designed to be high art, but the first two installments certainly delivered on the intended M.O. of bringing together action movie icons from both past and present to team up and leave a mind-boggling body count behind them in the process.

The early signs were good when it was announced that Wesley Snipes, Antonio Banderas, Mel Gibson and Harrison Ford would be joining the aging ensemble, until we found out that part three was set to be rated PG-13, which both betrayed the concept of the entire series and killed any enthusiasm from diehard fans of the genre.

Not only that, but the elder statesmen were entirely sidelined for a great deal of the movie in favor of a bland and charisma-free band of new recruits, and while the extended third-act showdown does have its moments, the terrible CGI and PG-13 restrictions put an undoubted dampener on what could have been the team's greatest outing yet.


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