10 Most Disappointing Heroes In Movie History

2. Hawkeye - The Avengers

Hawkeye Granted, Hawkeye hasn't really been given the greatest amount of screentime as to make a huge impact in the Marvel Cinematic Universe thus far, but I think we've seen enough of him to mercilessly judge his character: Jeremy Renner is just boring in this role. I was genuinely excited to see how an actor of his calibre would chose to portray this character. "As Jeremy Renner," is apparently what he went for. There's no spark. No magic. Any actor could have filled this Hawkeye's shoes, given that all we've seen so far is deadhead with no personality. Maybe I'm being too harsh, and a lot of this might have a lot to do with the fact that Hawkeye hasn't really been properly developed as a character yet, and has had to settle for being the least cool member of The Avengers. But I feel like I'm just make excuses. Renner is an Oscar-nominee, sure, but I don't get the sense that he gets Hawkeye - for some reason he's coming across kind of dated. Like he doesn't belong in this world. From what I've seen so far, it's really not working for me, and I'm not sure how they're going to fix Hawkeye at this point.

All-round pop culture obsessive.