10 Most Disappointing Horror Movies Of 2019 (So Far)

4. Brightburn

Brightburn 2019
Sony Pictures Releasing

Presented by James Gunn should be a good thing, but in the case of Brightburn - a weird mash-up of the Omen and Superman - it's hard not to think that the banner is a cynical exercise in exploiting the director's familiarity for a quick buck.

The film has a great premise, but director David Yarovesky - something of a Gunn protegee - never really does anything convincing with it. So while there are parts that are reasonably entertaining, you're left feeling like it could and should have been more, which leaves way too much space for those insideous thoughts of a studio looking to make money (by marrying Gunn's name, Superman-marketing and the promise of a "fresh take") to creep in.

Fundamentally, it's a great idea, but it's far from the great execution it deserves.


WhatCulture's former COO, veteran writer and editor.