10 Most Disappointing Horror Movies Of The Decade (So Far)
Creaking towards a multiplex near you.

From the brutality of Red White & Blue to the deliberate absurdity of Zombeavers, horror fans have been pretty well catered for these last few years. Whatever your particular taste, you’re sure to find something to your liking on Netflix.
True innovation comes from the independent pictures rather than the major studios though, who seem content to throw money at the kind of films we’ve all seen before. You know the drill: haunted house movies, found footage, remakes and adaptations.
With their over generous budgets and name casts, these films are like privileged brats pushing the poor kids out of the way to grab the limelight, but as soon as they open their mouths they suck all the air out of the room. They might capture your attention for a while, but after a while their act wears thin and you look around for something truly novel.
Slick, calculated and utterly forgettable, the following films all promised the world, but delivered Newark, New Jersey.
10. As Above So Below

After helming the English-language remake of REC, Director John Erick Dowdle returned to Found Footage with this much hyped thriller, but the results are tepid at best.
Scarlett Marlowe (Perdita Weeks) looks like a model, has a black belt in Karate and speaks with a plummy English accent, so any resemblance to Lara is purely intentional, but you’d never see Angelina Jolie walk past a sign that reads Abandon Hope All Ye Who Enter Here without a good reason. Naturally, her group ventures into the catacombs. And, naturally, there are weird people down there. They get lost. They argue etc etc.
At this point, the viewer starts wondering, “What can happen that The Blair Witch Project, Grave Encounters, REC, The Frankenstein Theory, Willow Creek, Evil Things, The Sacrament, Devil’s Pass, Greystone Park etc haven’t done already?” Well, nothing. The tour guide says things like, “People who go in there, they don’t come out!” A phone rings and Scarlett’s dead father says, “Why won’t you talk to me?” And so on.