10 Most Disappointing Horror Movies Of The Decade (So Far)

9. Apartment 1303 3D

Crimson Peak Tom Hiddleston Jessica Chastain
MonteCristo International

An American remake of a creepy Japanese ghost story, Apartment 1303 3D promises a great deal, but it turns into a movie about a woman (Julianne Michelle) who signs a lease on a thirteenth-floor apartment where the lights flicker and a Creepy Kid plays in the hallway. Then she discovers that each previous tenant committed suicide after four days. Oh, and the place is haunted.

So she calls her secretive, gun-toting boyfriend for a roll in the hay and in one of several smirk-inducing moments, their sacktime is inexplicably intercut with shots of a long-haired female ghost banging its head against the window. For no apparent reason. Given that this is a remake of a Japanese film, you can probably guess how friendly she turns out to be.

1303 takes place in a galaxy far, far away, where Police Chief Wiggum-ish cops exist to deliver exposition, nobody is what they appear to be and a woman thinks nothing of moving into a $750-a-month apartment sight unseen. Throw in some soap opera-level performances, add a handful of corny plot twists, sprinkle with clunky dialogue and you have the most delirious anti-masterpiece since I Know Who Killed Me.

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Ian Watson is the author of 'Midnight Movie Madness', a 600+ page guide to "bad" movies from 'Reefer Madness' to 'Poultrygeist: Night of the Chicken Dead.'