10 Most Disappointing Movies Of 2019 (So Far)

1. Glass

Glass 2019

What It Promised

After the genius hook at the end of Split, the invitation from N Night Shyamalan to go back and revisit his best work to date, in Unbreakable, for the final movie in his Mr Glass trilogy looked like it could be one of 2019's earliest successes.

Surely there was no way Shyamalan could mess up the promise established in Split or fudge the work he'd already done with Unbreakable, even knowing that Bruce Willis isn't quite the same guy he was back when it came out?

But Really...

The key to both Unbreakable and Split was that neither were grand-standing movies. They existed separate from the presence of their director in a way that some of Shyamalan's other films have struggled to and for different reasons. One came before he was crushed under the weight of expectations and the other came as a lower key revival.

Unfortunately, somewhere along the road, Glass lost that spirit and it's got Shyamalan's presence all over it to a detrimental level. Instead of delivering a climactic story, the director's subversion here seems to have been one against himself and our expectations of his work. So instead of an explosive, twisty narrative to cap off a great series, we got a boring messy affair that wasn't really fit for purpose.

Which other disappointing movies from this year belong on this list? Share your picks below in the comments thread.


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