10 Most Disappointing Sequels Ever

1. Star Wars Episode II: Attack Of The Clones

Attack_of_the_clones I am sure I could write several essays on what is wrong with the Star Wars prequels and while their faults are numerous, as a massive Star Wars fan I can just about accept The Phantom Menace (maybe not it's title though) and Revenge Of The Sith as decent entries into the saga, what I cannot accept though is Attack Of The Clones. With the story of young Anakin Skywalker set up in the first film, I had hoped this would be a film following him being an awesome pilot in the Clone Wars. Instead we got Hayden Christensen sitting in a field talking about sand being coarse and other unbelievably poor sentimental crap. The rest of the characters just talked for what seemed like hours without ever really saying a single thing of interest, while the constant use of CGI for things as simple as walking down a corridor gave the whole thing an artificial look. Then there is Yoda jumping around with his lightsaber which made people laugh perhaps more in shock than amusement. Even now the disappointment is so strong I am getting irritated as I type, there is so much wrong with this film that I could go on for hours, but for the sanity of both writer and reader I shall refrain.
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Tom is a budding novelist and film critic who is slowly coming to terms with the fact he might be too old to play for Arsenal. Follow him on Twitter for updates on his lunch @TomGilchrist