10 Most Disappointing Villains From Otherwise Great Movies

4. Ultron - Avengers: Age Of Ultron

The Great Movie: Though it failed to improve on The Avengers, this sequel was still a strong, if overstuffed, action epic that was rooted in strong characters and massive set pieces.

The Disappointing Villain: When it comes to Marvel€™s most iconic team of heroes, Ultron is arguably their most recurring foe. He€™s a tyrannical robot with near limitless power, an unstoppable body and terrifying goals. The movie delivered all of that and yet, his character still felt wasted.

In this instance, the one critical change to Ultron marked the downfall of his entire character. Rather than being created by the very troubled and insecure Hank Pym, the cinematic version is created by Tony Stark, and thus takes his personality cues from him. Having an evil robot attempt genocide while acting sarcastic doesn€™t feel threatening, but rather, silly.

On top of that, considering how easy it would be for him to annihilate the globe with his mastery over technology, his evil plan is about the dumbest thing ever. Flying a city into space and dropping it like an asteroid? That€™s all he could come up with?

As viewers, we understand that Ultron needs to be vulnerable so he can be defeated, but as a character, it doesn€™t make sense that he isn€™t all-powerful, so his entire plan is unbelievable and non-threatening as a result.


Connor loves movies, comics, and TV, and is trying to write for people who feel the same way. When he's not sitting on the couch with his laptop, you might find him lying in his bed with his laptop.