10 Most Disturbing Details Implied In Movies

8. The Empire Strikes Back - Han Solo's Torture

Bone Tomahawk
20th Century Fox

In any trilogy, it's a well-known trope that the second film is often the darkest. The lowest points for our heroes come with betrayals, defeat and often loss - but they can also come with a darker tone to the surroundings and the plot. In the case of Star Wars: The Empire Strikes Back, it can be easy to miss all the darker aspects when the film is peppered with scenes of Yoda teaching someone how to back-flip, or the comedy escapades of C3-PO and Chewie.

But when the film does highlight its dark qualities, it goes hard. After being sold out to the Empire by Lando Calrissian; Han Solo, Leia, and Chewie are taken prisoner and Darth Vader returns to form as a vessel of cruelty and proceeds to have Han tortured by lowering him into onto a heating device. The film cuts away to Lando uncomfortably listening in to Harrison Ford's screams and we can only imagine what that machine is actually doing.

When Han is returned to Leia and the others, he weakly tells them that he wasn't even questioned by the Empire. Given that Darth Vader could have used The Force to read Han's mind, it's implied in this moment that Han was tortured simply out of cruelty and a message to the others. I know The Empire are the baddies, but my word! Torturing someone with no means is a step too far into evil for the Empire (and yes, your writer's including Alderaan).

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Bone Tomahawk
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I overthink a lot of things. Will talk about pretty much anything for a great length of time. I'm obsessed with General Slocum from the 2002 Spider-Man film. I have questions that were never answered in that entire trilogy!