10 Most Disturbing Details Implied In Movies

7. Running Scared - The Kiddie Playroom

Bone Tomahawk
Media 8 Entertainment

Sometimes a gruesome implication doesn't have to always be subtle; it can be so blatant that it strikes us square in the face. But when it's a horrible and disturbing element that serves no purpose to the plot whatsoever, it almost has to make you wonder why the filmmakers put it in there to begin with.

It's on this note that the sub-plot involving a married couple making and distributing child pornography is so tense and guttural, that it's premise and outline could be its own movie altogether.

When Teresa (Vera Farmiga) arrives at the front door of the Hansels' in search of the missing boy Oleg, audiences are confused to find no sign of Oleg, and the shady couple are dismissive of the phone call we saw in a previous scene. Teresa is almost out the front door when her motherly intuition kicks in, and she's unconvinced by the Hanels' story due to their lack of family photos.

Once Teresa gets suspicious and pulls a gun, the Hansels' façade unravels. The discovery of named discs with star ratings, children's costumes, assorted cutting tools, plastic flooring and cleaning equipment - not to mention a body bag - all becomes clear and Teresa puts the clues together. There's no explanation needed, and we as an audience can piece together what's been going on in the Hansels' apartment.

In a film that has such in-the-face violence, it's this sequence that will forever stick with audiences.

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Bone Tomahawk
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I overthink a lot of things. Will talk about pretty much anything for a great length of time. I'm obsessed with General Slocum from the 2002 Spider-Man film. I have questions that were never answered in that entire trilogy!